Thursday, August 28, 2008

And so it begins...again...

College football begins tonight and with that comes the end of my open-schedule Saturdays until December. From today forward, I will awake at 8am on each and every Saturday, in order to listen to the pre-game discussions and prepare my space, where I will sit for the next 12-14 hours while drinking, eating and staring at the 12 games in front of me. I won't be wearing a Notre Dame jersey or Ohio State one or anything team affiliated though. Instead, I'll be in a pair of high heels and likely one of my 350 black dresses. (While many may disagree, I believe that the dress is one of the most comfortable outfits one can wear, especially when sitting in a folding chair all day). And I won't be drinking a beer or a bloody mary or any of my other favorite drinks with vodka. Instead, I will be drinking water and a tall, non-fat, sugar-free-vanilla latte from time to time when I can convince Brett to run across the street and grab one for me from Starbucks. That's because I won't be waking up and watching College Game Day before heading over to a sports bar to watch the games, but instead I'll be attending the pre-game meeting before taking my place on the set of ABC's College Football Studio Show, as I always do. And I actually get paid to do this.

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