Wednesday, September 17, 2008

A Girl's Fantasy vs. A Guy's...fantasy?

I have the pleasure of playing in two completely different fantasy football leagues this fall, one all women, the other, all men (with the exception of me, of course). So far the differences have been vast. In the women's league, our draft took 1 hour and 50 minutes, and that was only because we paused it several times for computer crashes so as not to have technology interfere with the competitive edge of the league. In the guys' league, our draft took 3 hours and 12 minutes. It was one of the most painful experiences of my life. In the girls' league, our names are a little too innocent. But, the guys league more than makes up for it. My favorite "I impregnated Bristol Palin." In the girls' league, I trust everyone to pay up so I don't collect the money until after the season is over. In the guys' league, if your dues aren't paid by week 2, your line-up is frozen until payment is made in full. In the women's league, the draft was all business. In the guys' league, it was all talk...discussing what they wouldn't turn down, amongst other things which I won't include here. (Ironic that these guys describe it like that when, from what I hear, the number of women they wouldn't turn down is infinite.) Best comment of the draft is when they were all crying about how long in took and I chimed in...afterward, the comment was "Even the girl thinks it's too long!" Somehow entering a guy's fantasy football league is liking stumbling and falling back into the 1950's. They don't realize that we play this game (we, being women) and we do it just as well, if not better. They can't fathom that a woman could watch football and analyze the stats better than they can. Well, to all of those doubters, consider this: many of us women are actually far superior to you when it comes to math. And, afterall, that's what this game is all about...numbers (and instinct, which is supposed to be our domain anyway).


Anonymous said...

"Well, to all of those doubters, consider this: many of us women are actually far superior to you when it comes to math."

I'm not really a doubter, I'm more of a hater so I didn't know if I should respond to this. However, while I'm sure there are scores of women out there with numbers dancing around their heads, I don't know if that equates to fantasy football success. If that were the case, wouldn't the team that chose to use the robot win every year or are woman better at math than computers? What do I know though, I choose players who wear uniform colors I like.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, things like this are the only images of women and fantasy sports most guys see:

It's kind of hard for them to take other girls seriously when this is all that pops into their head.

Leila said...
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